miércoles, diciembre 16

what 2015 did to me

So, this year has been quite an experience.
This year has been pure fucking magic, honestly.
Everything is good, actually.
Everything is hard, and a little weird, but good.
Right now I’m so sick I can’t even talk and life is still good.
This year I learned so many things.
This year I just exploded in knowledge of all types and that is amazing.
2015 was probably the best year I’ve had in my entire life.
I started university, my mom moved out of the country, I turned 18, I fell in love, I met lots of new people, I became a totally new different person and I’m actually not loving it, but things can change and I have the power to do so, so I can’t complain about it.
Right now my life is in such a raw point that I could only describe it as a seed being planted. Plenty of them, in fact.
Plenty of dreams, plenty of hope, plenty of will power, plenty of vision, plenty of determination, plenty of change, plenty of growth.
This year I lost track of many things.
One of the things that I lost track of was purity and innocence.
I lost track of those. Reaming immaculate was not longer a thing to keep in mind.
It was just something I was afraid of. Like being afraid of what could be behind a door, or a wall.
It was real and deep fear of the unknown. It was fear of what it could be. It was fear of pain, of sadness, of gaining wisdom through some bad experiences that could literally change the course of my life.

I’m still afraid. I’m terrified. But I’m now dealing with fear by facing it.
I regret some things, I do not regret others.
I appreciate how things went out and how things have continued to be.
I realized that I’ve never been this young, hopeful and empowered ever before, and I’m totally ready to use it to take over this world.
This year I’ve probably been in my worst and best moments.
I’ve realized some dreams, and failed to succeed as well. But I’m fine with that. I’m fine with not being perfect and I’m perfectly fine with trying my hardest and still not getting the results I wanted. I know someday I’ll achieve all of my goals and they will be better than I expected.
And in the same way I learnt a few things about life and love, and even hating, I’ve also come to the realization that I need to learn a thing or two, or an infinite number of things. It depends on how you look at it.
I’m just grateful because I’m here. I’m alive, I’m healthy, I’m loved by myself and others, I’ve got food and clothes and I can change the world. And that’s awesome. I’m just a lady that’s still trying to figure out things a regular young adult should already know about him or herself but still doesn’t have a clue about, and I really hope that’s fine.

I’m just someone walking on Earth, trying to do the best thing I can do, trying to make the best decisions and trying not to fuck things up so bad.
I’m still figuring out how to understand my own mind and how to my body the way it is, and that’s hard but not impossible.

I’m still having dreams about NYC and Paris and travelling the world, and even if the years pass I can tell those dreams change. And, if they change, it’s because got more intense.
Life is good and you should be young and free and reckless and look for the good thing and do good things and stop complaining and worrying so badly.
When things get hard just hold on and cry when you’re overwhelmed but don’t you ever think you are alone or not loved at all.
You are unique, special, capable and freacking amazing. And that’s your essence. You are a smart-ass girl, and you like to know a few facts that no one knows.
You keep being you.
Because this world deserves to see your beauty unfold, grow and shine.
You are brave, girl. And live is for those who are brave enough to conquer their dreams.
So go ahead and conquer every single dream, every single project, every single little thing that you want to achieve.

Because, you, you can do it.

domingo, junio 14


So, yes. In a few minutes I'll be turning eighteen.
I don't like the fact of growing old.
I feel like every day is dull and pages are a big blank, empty spaces I should be filling but I just don't even know how to.
As always, I'm listening to The 1975. Realising I'm not longer going to be that seventeen years-old-girl they sing about.
I'm somehow numb to fear. But fear is still real.
Everything is real.
Everything is gaining a different perspective and I kind of like that, to be honest.
But sometimes I don't. Sometimes those new perspectives are harsh and hard and I find myself being more sensible than usual.
And everything is so fucking real. So true. Reality has crystallized in front of my eyes.
University, having a job, thinking and trying to believe.
Everything is so different now.
A year ago I was devastated. Totally, completely and miserably devastated.

To my seventeen-years-old me: you had a hell of a good year. Sometimes uncertain and a little hard. But amazing. You have changed. You have grown so much. You have been challenged every single day.  And you have made it through. And I'm fucking proud of you.
A year ago you thought of youself as a lost case. Useless. Insignificant. But this year you had the chance to show and prove to yourself and others that you are actually amazing and that you just did not have a way to prove it before. You nailed it.
Keep on keeping on and go ahead. Go get what you want. Go get what you need. Do more. Explore more. Become the person you have always wanted to be. Be you. Believe. DO NOT GIVE UP BELIEVING.
Try your best every day. Wake up each morning believing. Be thankful. Respect others. Learn. Learn a lot. Learn from everyone and from everything. Tell people how you feel about them and why you appreciate them. Remember to be kind and to help other. Never lose your smile: it's your lucky charm. It actually works wonders, Michelle. Remember that.

I do not want to age. I do not want to grow. I do not want to lose everything. I do not want to become someone I always hated. I do not want to stop enjoying good music and just stop closing my eyes and never get lost in it again, I do not want to miss out on life. I do not want to waste my time. I want to do great things. I want to love deeply. I want to care. I want to help. I want to create. I want to do. I truly want to do. I want to move foward. I want to be me. I want to explore. I want to explore places and bodies. I want to explore minds. I want to explore realities. I want to read. Books and minds. And emotions. And people's eyes too. I want to be loved. I want to be that person some nice guy cares about and falls in love with. I want to kiss someone. I want to hug someone. I want to go swim in the middle of the night. I want to meet random strangers. I want to develop enough confidence to do things people usually do not do. I want to become a better person. I want to speak. I want to open up to someone else. I want someone to get to know me. I want someone to dedicate songs to. I want someone to be with. I want someone to get lost with.

martes, abril 21

to you, in the castell next door

I, I listen to Chopin and read novels that would make you sick because of how romantic Romanticism can be.
You, you look like you are constantly wearing an invisible crown. So confident, such an amazing presence.
I, I work everyday to stay away from negativity.
You, you wake up everyday to an endless dream.
I, I get to see you from a far, knowing how dangerous you could be to me.
You, you get closer. Just like lions do when they look at their prey.
I, always too fast, too stressed.
You, hopeless.
I, knowing that everything you do to yourself it's just silent cry.
You, not knowing that I know.
I, too worried.
You, too cool.
I, such a hopeful girl. Thinking she will get the boy.
You, the golden boy, filling all my expectations.
I, too young but, certainly, not dumb,
You, probably too young for your own age.
I, worring about you like a mother would.
You, not even knowing I do.
Because addictions do that to you.
They make you and break you.
They cause you pain and, at times, they crown you king.

lunes, marzo 16

I certainly feel alone.
I fucking mean it.
I feel alone.
I feel like my life is being wasted because part of actually getting your story known is telling other about it.
When you share erverything grows. You grow. Everyone who's interested grow.
I want someone to hold.
I want someone to kiss.
I want someone to burst in flames for.
I want someone t hug.
I want someone to listen.
I want someone to talk to.
I want someone to walk with.
Because, remember... Life is a path. And nothing is sadder than walking alone.

domingo, febrero 22

cut me open

/ whenever I look into your eyes
 I fight the urge
to kiss you lips,
 to hold you hands
so breathe me in
 don't let me leave /


It's been three years since the last time I had the chance to pretend to be in love. The thing is that I no longer want to pretend to be in love. At least it's not my intention, and I'm completely aware of that.
I want to fall hard for someone. I want to get my heart touched by someony so deeply I feel somehow disgusted and joyful at the same time. I want my heart to be treated like a precious jewl and the most disgusting piece of rubish, all at once. Becuase that's what love is, isn't it?
I want someone to touch.
I want someone to kiss.
I want someone to remember.
I want someone to be incredibly proud about.
I want someone to understand, to listen to.
I want someone to make me feel more human.
I want someone to be human with.
I want someone to show me the dark side.
I want someone to learn from.
I want someone to fight with against the world.
I want someone to caress.
I want someone to look to and be impressed.
I want someone to know.
I want someone to feel.
I want someone to give parts of me I would never give to anyone else.
I want to fall. In love. Hard.
So, please. Can you please, at least, tell me where to find you? Where to look for you? Where are you hiding? Where are you?
Just, please, tell me.
When is it going to be?
Just help me a little and come find me.
I'm here, waiting to get you sign.
So, love, show me. Smile at me, life.
Let's make it good, hard, intense and unforgettable.
Let's burn our memories with the image of you and me.
Let's run away. Show me you care.
But, love, please... Come around.

viernes, enero 2

qué fue 2014

2014 fue algo bastante complicado.
2014 fue la noticia inesperada -generalmente para bien-.
2014 fue doblarse hasta conseguir un punto medio.
2014 fue aprender a escuchar.
2014 fue aprender a perder.
2014 fue despedir, pero no olvidar.
2014 fue terminar ciclos.
2014 fue una lluvia de ideas para el futuro.
2014 fue aprender a amar lo que tantos detestan.
2014 fue aprender.
2014 fue madurar.
2014 fue entender que en este mundo, de una manera u otra, todos entramos y no hay necesidad de estar incómodo.
2014 fue crear un horizonte más amplio.
2014 fue sacar la garra y pelearse hasta el último segundo.
2014 fue leer The Great Gatsby y llorar cada vez que lo releía.
2014 fue una subida.
2014 fue una bajada en picada.
2014 fue soltar todo lo que no necesitaba para tomar lo que sí necesito.
2014 fue entender que tengo una dirección.
2014 fue buscarla.
2014 pelearme conmigo misma hasta, casi, odiarme.
2014 fue luchar como nunca.
Luchar contra las ganas de dejarlo todo y escapar.
Luchar con las ganas de romper a llorar.
Luchar contra el miedo que te impregna de la misma manera que un mal olor.
Luchar contra los paradigmas.
Luchar contra los límites.
2014 fue quebrar barreras.
2014 fue luchar.
2014 fue ponerme las bolas, que pensé que no tenía, para salir a pelear por mi país.
2014 fue enamorarme cada vez más de Venezuela.
2014 me hizo una masoquista.
2014 fue temblar de terror.
2014 fue indignación.
2014 fue soñar con escapar de lo que es parte de mi identidad.
2014 fue, casi, escapar de mí misma.
2014 fue enterarme de que uno ama hasta cuando la relación es tóxica.
2014 fue llenarme de ganas.
2014 fue temblar ante la incertidumbre.
2014 fue creer que si tú cambias todo cambia.
2014 fue crecer.
2014 fue creer.
2014 fue mirar más a fondo.
2014 fue bueno, pero el 2015 is gonna kick ass.